M6 Services, Tebay

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M6 Services, Tebay

Westmorland Motorway Services Ltd

  • Masterplanning
  • Architecture
  • Lead Consultant
  • Contract Administration

UJP was responsible for all aspects of the new build Tebay East (southbound) which included restaurant, shops, WCs, kitchens and other visitor facilities.

At Tebay West (northbound) the practice designed large extensions to form new restaurant areas and was responsible for the extension and refurbishment of Tebay Hotel.

The design, a completely fresh approach to service station design at the time, took reference from the natural surroundings to create relaxing environments with stunning views over the northern fells. They continue to win awards and are regularly cited as people’s favourite motorway services!

The Serenity Spa, Seaham Hall, Co Durham

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The Serenity Spa, Seaham Hall, Co Durham

Oriental Spa Ltd

  • Architecture
  • Lead Consultant
  • Contract Administration

This ground breaking facility – a series of connected circular pavilions – houses treatment rooms, thermal areas, pools, changing facilities, gym, dance studio and restaurant in a building inspired by the architecture of Far-East Asia and Feng-Shui principles.

Rheged Discovery Centre, nr Penrith

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Rheged Discovery Centre, nr Penrith

Westmorland Ltd

  • Architecture
  • Lead Consultant
  • Contract Administration

Rheged (“The Village in the Hill”) is one of the largest grass roofed buildings in Europe. The wealth of facilities includes a large format film theatre and pre-show area, exhibition spaces, conference and meeting facilities, cafes and restaurants, kid’s play area, retail areas… Despite the large floor area and height of the building the design minimises the impact on the surrounding area by disguising it as a Cumbrian hill. Rheged, however, is not a cave. When the visitor enters through a small “tunnel” they are met by a cavernous space that is full of natural light which floods in through a series of high level rooflights and vertical glass walls.

Cairngorm Mountain Railway, Aviemore

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Cairngorm Mountain Railway, Aviemore

Cairngorm Chairlift Company

  • Architecture

The £15m (2001) project consisted the replacement of an existing chairlift system with a funicular railway and the provision of major new buildings within the Cairngorm Ski Area. The site is at high altitude on the northern edge of the Cairngorm, whose fragile environment was recognized as being of international conservation importance. UJP worked closely with Highlands Council and Scottish National Heritage. The remoteness and exposure of the site challenged the team to logistically organise the project around the short periods when construction was possible.

Neway House, Annesley

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Neway House, Annesley

Pendragon Plc

  • Architecture

Neway House was constructed as Pendragon’s Corporate Headquarters. Its double height entrance with gallery accommodates a series of meeting rooms and boardrooms at both levels. They were designed with flexibility in mind so that they could open up into larger meeting rooms and presentation spaces. Beyond are 4 zones of open plan offices and support areas.

Millport Field Studies Centre, Isle of Cumbrae

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Millport Field Studies Centre, Isle of Cumbrae

Field Studies Council

  • Architecture
  • Contract Administration

The overall goal of this 5 year development and refurbishment programme is to re-establish the Millport site as the UKs premier marine teaching location.

The project comprised the upgrade and enhancement of 32 of the on-site twin bedrooms in this residential education centre. This spectacular site in the Clyde basin posed the construction team a few logistical challenges, not least the short ferry ride! The project also included upgrades to the exhibition spaces and replacement of the aquarium in the Robertson building within the campus.

This latest project for the FSC follows completed projects in their other locations of Blencathra, Castlehead, Dale Fort, Malham Tarn, Preston Montford, and Slapton Ley.

Langdale Gateway, Nr Ambleside

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Langdale Gateway, Nr Ambleside

Langdale Leisure Ltd

  • Architecture
  • Lead Consultant
  • Contract Administration

Interior Design by Devlin Design

The Existing Gateway timeshare offices were located in a 2 storey, stone building which was one of the original estate buildings when it became a resort in the 1980s. Site circulation and facilities were completely re-thought. The concept was to bring together the Gateway meeting room, hotel reception and sales office into one resort reception building and management suite. The completed building includes extensions to the original, removal of internal walls to create generous open plan offices and customer welcome areas. The design echoes the themes and materials used in the successfully completed Brimstone Hotel.

Kids Allowed, Altrincham

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Kids Allowed, Altrincham

Selbourne Group Ltd

  • Architecture

Unwin Jones secured planning consent in 2014 for this new build 160 place Kids Allowed Nursery for Altrincham based developer Selbourne Group. The state of the art design is to provide an exciting and stimulated building which is welcoming and spacious being filled with natural light. The building is designed to be sympathetic to the adjacent buildings and surrounding area, be safe and secure and incorporate garden and external play areas.

Food Retail, Gretna

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Food Retail, Gretna

Gretna Green Ltd

  • Architecture

The development of a new food retail superstore, sits on this key 2.3Ha (5.7acre) site just off the M74 on the edge Gretna village. The building has been designed with a pallet of traditional materials and has a vernacular feel but with a contemporary edge. The footprint is just over 4100 m2 (44750 ft2).

The building has recently received a Reserved Matters approval.

Barrow Police Station

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New Police Station, Barrow-in-Furness

Thomas Armstrong Construction / Cumbria Constabulary

  • Architecture

This was the first new build Police Station completed by the practice as part of a two stage competitive selection procedure where UJP partnered with Thomas Armstrong Construction.

Despite extremely prescriptive design standards determined by the Home Office, UJP created an exciting new space emphasising the Constabulary’s working ethos and core values of openness and transparency. The three storey internal atrium is designed to replicate the internal structure of a ship’s hull (reflecting the maritime history of Barrow) – complicated further by the space being curved and tapering on plan!

The complete building is a base for around 300 officer and staff, as well as custody suite of 18 cells. The building is used as a case study for the Home Office design panel and has been commended for its design and efficient build costs.